" The man with a toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound. "

Tooth Whitening

It is well known that first impressions last and more often than not the first thing people notice about you is your smile. A beautiful smile can do more to enhance your appearance than nearly anything else. We would like to help you achieve that winning smile. With Laser Teeth Whitening, we can whiter, creating a bright, radiant smile.
Laser Tooth Whitening is one of the most advanced, widely-accepted and effective tooth whitening methods in current use. It has transformed the appearance of thousands of patients. Even for those whose teeth are deeply stained, yellowed or gray in color, Laser Tooth Whitening offers outstanding results. It is more than just a cleaning, polishing or whitening of the tooth surface. Using powerful lasers, we are able to target stain molecules below the surface, within the structure of the tooth itself, oxidize them, and remove them completely.
However, the durability of treatment varies, and depends largely on how well you look after your teeth. Drinking dark pop and red wine, smoking, and neglecting dental check ups may well shorten the life of your white smile. In clinical trials, the results have been shown to last a minimum of seven years, although since these trials are relatively new it is possible that the effects may last even longer.
Laser Tooth Whitening is a relatively short procedure. A laser, or heat generating light source, activates a bleaching solution on the surface of your teeth. Within an hour you all walk out of our clinic with a gorgeous smile!
The dental benefits of lasers have been known since the lasers were developed more than three decades ago.

  • Pain-free procedures
  • Elimination of cross-contamination
  • Micro-surgery
  • No blood
  • Elimination of sutures in most cases
  • Good healing
  • Applications in pediatric and esthetic dentistry
  • UV Free
  • Fastest method - tooth whitening can be done in an hour.
  • Clinically tested to be a safe procedure
  • Bio-compatible tooth whitening agents

The initiation of bleaching/whitening occurs through the application of laser which emits monochromatic light at a specific wavelength absorbed by catalyst molecules only and by accelerating the release of activated bleaching agents.

The chemical reaction:

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) breaks down to water (H2O) and free oxygen radical (O). The free radicals chemically reduce larger organic-pigmented molecules in the enamel matrix into smaller, less pigmented constituents by rapid oxidation. These compounds have double bonds and long carbon chains that are subsequently reduced to smaller carbon chains and hydroxyl groups, which eliminate discoloration. It does not decompose readily, which is why traditional bleaching procedures require lengthy visits. After Laser Tooth Whitening treatment, you should resume your normal dental hygiene routine-brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and flossing. However, we do recommend that you keep the consumption of staining food, such as tea, coffee, red wine, etc., to a minimum to ensure your long-lasting laser white smile.


  • One visit is usually all it takes for a bright smile.
  • Targets stain molecules below the surface.
  • Results last for a minimum of two years.


  • This is the most expensive whitening procedure.
  • The change will be very sudden so your friends may be aware that you have received treatment.
